National Alliance of Medical Auditing Specialists
Welcome to the National Alliance of Medical Auditing Specialists Partnership Page!
As an auditor – your client relies on your expertise and professional opinion when you are performing a comprehensive review of their coding, billing, documentation and reimbursement process.
Regardless what you determine, there may be long-term consequences for your business.
Professional Liability, also known as errors and omissions insurance, is designed to provide financial protection from damages and expenses (such as legal fees and court costs) from allegations of wrongdoing with regards to how you did or didn’t perform your job duties as a medical auditing specialist.
Example: Your findings indicate that your client’s coding practices are compliant with the regulations set forth by private and government payors. Great! Except later on its discovered your client isn’t compliant and is now subject to a monetary fine.
In this situation, your client may feel you missed something during the audit. They may claim you were negligent in your duties and if you had performed your duties fully – they would have had time to fix the situation and not fined.
Remember - even if the allegations prove to be groundless, you could still incur substantial legal defense costs.
Fox Point Programs has partnered with the National Alliance of Medical Auditing Specialists to help protect your business and reputation!
Fox Point Offers:
- Coverage for negligent acts, errors & omissions
- Coverage for libel, trade libel, slander, defamation
- Coverage for infringement of right to privacy
- Coverage for punitive damages where insurable by law
- Advocacy defense provided for all claims brought against our insureds
- Hotline – staffed by legal professionals – available to insured at no cost
- Optional coverages:
- Coverage for independent contractors, interns, part-time, temp and leased employees as insureds
- Additional insureds
- Cyber (may require supplemental application)
Relevant Applications:
*please download application to your workstation before completing
Please send all submissions to [email protected]
Contact one of our insurance agents today!
Megan Franco: 302-765-6029; [email protected]